An Eternally Irish resting place...
Privacy Policy
We will not collect any personal information about you through the Eternally Irish website unless you knowingly give that information to us.
User provided content
By submitting content, including music, you warrant that you the have full right and authority to submit that content, and that you have sole copyright and proprietary right over that content. You may not contribute, post or transmit unlawful, defamatory, or threatening material, that which would constitute or encourage criminal offenses, or violate any law. We reserve the right not to publish, or to remove, any content we deem inappropriate for any reason whatsoever.
We do not wish to receive information of a confidential or proprietary nature from you through Eternally Irish website. Any information sent to us through this web site will be deemed to be not confidential. By sending us any information or material, you grant us an unrestricted, irrevocable license to use, reproduce, display, perform, modify, transmit and distribute those materials or information and you also agree that we are free to use any ideas, concepts or techniques that you send us for any purpose.
We will not edit or monitor user provided content, with the exception that, to promote privacy, an automated filtering tool will be used to suppress, and omit from display, information submitted to the tree areas of the site which appears to pertain to a living person. We also reserves the right to remove any user provided content that comes to our attention and that we believe, in our sole discretion, is illegal, obscene, indecent, defamatory, incites racial or ethnic hatred or violates the rights of others, or is in any other way objectionable.
Analytics cookies - Google or Bing scripts:
These cookies collect information about how visitors use our website, for instance which pages visitors go to most often, how long for and which links are followed. We can use this information to provide more content which is of interest and in order to:
- Google or Bing scripts : measure standard analytics KPIs on web or search usage for a visitor (ex. page traffic, number of visitors, traffic sources, keywords typed etc).
- Embedded Videos: hosted on YouTube. These external sites use cookies to collect video statistics and improve site experience.
- Can only provide limited snapshots of public information of a visitor and his IP address, so there is no private information that identifies specifically a visitor as the information is mostly aggregated.
If you would like to opt out specifically of Analytics cookies, please click on the link: Opt out of Google Web Analytics
Information that we collect
We may collect and use the following kinds of personal information:
- information that you provide for the purpose of registering with us in order to subscribe to our website services and notifications including your name and contact details.
- information about your use of our website including your IP address, geographical region and other traffic and communication data.
- any other information that you choose to send to us
Before you disclose the personal information of another person, you must obtain that person's consent to both the disclosure of their personal information and its use in accordance with this privacy policy.
Use of personal information
We may use your personal information to:
- enable your access and use of the service
- administer, personalise and improve the service for you
- publish information about you on the website (with your specific consent)
- send you emails and correspondence relating to use of the service including your memorial
- send you emails and correspondence relating to any changes in the service and related memorial information and events