An Eternally Irish resting place...
Tony Williams

Tony Williams
Portumna, Co. Galway
Born: 7th July 1937
Died: 20th July 2006
County of Heritage: Galway

Tony passed away peacefully in the care of Portiuncula Hospital Ballinasloe on July 20th 2006 surrounded by his family.
Born in July 7th 1934 Tony was one of ten children to Joseph Williams and Kathleen Ridge. Life wasn’t easy back then growing up in a pre and post Great War era ... Tony’s family were bakers and throughout this difficult time he has often recounted stories of baking for the families in the area.
He was very entrepreneurial and helped many individuals develop their very own business to the detriment of his own. It never bothered him as he was always happy and content to have enough. His wonderful approach was “why would anyone want any more, sur’ wouldn’t it just be a waste”
Through various illnesses, Tony showed no signs of being shackled by them and fought his cancer to the end. He loved his grandchildren unconditionally and thoroughly enjoyed being a bigger child than them when he was with them.
He is greatly missed by all, that smile in response to the deepest crap possible was always nurturing beyond our wildest dreams..
Gone but not forgotten. We miss you Pops
Tony loved Danny Boy and Nobody’s Child and he particularly loved Brendan Grace doing the nun sketch!
Guest Videos
Tony's Association with Ireland
Tony's Place of Birth was County Galway

Comments & Memories
Dad I remember so much of times we shared, some times I felt I knew more and of course the times I thought I did but really didn’t. Even when I messed up you managed to smile our way out of the mess. It would be so great to have you here now to see how the kids are doing ... their interests and how your presence in their lives has influenced their choices .... even your love of horses has found its way through...
Thank you for your guidance though I told you I didn’t need it .. thank you for your advice though I told you I didn’t want it ... thank you for your patience because it gave me the space to grow into who you let me be not who you wanted me to be
Love Tony
Contributed by Tony Junior on 24th June 2018
Grandad you were hilarious... all the ice cream the sweets the chewing gum ... no matter how much mum and dad told you I knew you were always going to get me whatever I wanted .. lol ... you were cool when I didn’t even know what cool was ... remember feeding the foxes and the deer .., you were the real doctor Doolittle
I miss you lots, love Andy
Contributed by Andrew Williams on 24th June 2018
Gosh grandad it’s not nice remembering you’re gone ... I really miss the smiles and the don’t tell your mam and dad I got you ice cream ... you were funny and we always laughed so much ... I think you liked cartoons more than I did .. lol
Rest In Peace Granddad it will always be different without you .. forever in my prayers.. Lanny
Contributed by Alanna Williams on 24th June 2018
Hey Grandad what a blast it was having you in my life ... I cannot imagine what it would have been like without you ... it was great how you got into more trouble with mam and dad than I did ... I was so sad when you died a part of me died too.
I love that I can share this space and put up stuff I think you would like me to let you know I’m doing
Love and miss you .. Peter
Contributed by Peter Brogan on 24th June 2018
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