An Eternally Irish resting place...

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Reconnecting to your homeland with Eternally Irish


Posted 12/04/2019

At Eternally Irish we want to make it easier for you to express your feelings about your loved ones.  After losing a friend or family member we know how important it is to share your memories with those close to you.  Our memorials give you the opportunity to create a very special, private place to share those memories with your family.


For many years Irish people have been displaced around the world, so much so that one in six of us born in Ireland now lives abroad.  However, the connection to our Irish heritage is still so important to so many of us.  At Eternally Irish, we want to encourage all of our diaspora to reconnect with their homeland.  Our memorials allow you to keep in touch with Ireland and create a space for you and your loved ones to share stories of home.

There is no welcome like an Irish welcome and our open arms to all those who come home indicates how much we want to embrace our global Irish Family.

Eternally Irish is a great way to reaffirm your Irish heritage. Through the rich traditions of community and storytelling and Ireland's unique way of celebrating life, our memorials are an opportunity to reconnect your loved one and their family with Ireland.  We want to reconnect all of our diaspora with their inner Irishness, not only providing you with a space to remember passed loved ones but also allowing you to reconnect with your roots and the home of your ancestors. 

At, your library of memories can be stored and shared for an eternity.  With every memorial that you make, the Eternally Irish team will light an Eternal Candle for your loved one and you will receive a Certificate as a memento.  Our memorials can never replace the loss but it can become a space of love and expression where your loved ones are appreciated eternally.

You can create an Eternally Irish Lifetime memorial here.

To download the Eternally Irish Remembrance Handbook click here.

Click here to create your own Eternally Irish Memorial
