An Eternally Irish resting place...

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Remembering Those Passed Some Years Ago


Posted 9/05/2019

Here in Ireland we take great pride in remembering our passed family and friends. We have been doing it for centuries (you can read more about Ireland's Ancient Burial Sites and A History of Irish Graveyards on the Eternally Irish blog). There are many physical memorials of our ancestors dotted around Ireland. However, as we have moved forward into the technology age, it has become more important to create a digital legacy for those passed too. 

People interact more frequently online and it can often be more convenient to offer up stories and memories online than in person. This is especially true for our Irish Diaspora. Irish people have travelled far and wide across the globe but still never lose their connection to their homeland. Even the children of Irish emigrants who may have been born outside of Ireland still have an intense connection with Ireland. This rings true for many of the 34.5 million Americans who have Irish heritage. Many of these Irish-Americans are from the east coast of America, where the initial Irish emigrants settled. The highest population of Irish-Americans can be found in New York, Boston and Philadelphia but people with Irish heritage can be found across the length and breadth of the United States. 

If you are eager to learn more about your Irish heritage or you want to honour a passed loved one you can download your copy of The Irish Remembrance Handbook here.

Our memorials are another great way to share stories and memories of your past and indeed your Irish ancestry. Our memorials are not just for those who have recently passed, you can create a memorial for those who may have passed long ago. You may feel that they would have liked to reconnect to their Irish heritage and an Eternally Irish memorial is a perfect way to do this. It is also a wonderful way to share your feelings and memories with those you love most. 

Our Eternally Irish Memorials have a never-ending capacity to add on memories. There are number of features with each memorial. You can add your loved one's name, date of birth, date of passing & association with Ireland.
You will also receive a personalised Eternally Irish Certificate and we will light an Eternally Irish Candle for your loved one. You can also mark your ancestral home on our Interactive Map of Ireland.

As well as this, visitors can leave comments or stories on the memorial, upload your loved one's favourite music from YouTube and share the memorial on Facebook to complete the digital experience. You can read more about our memorials here.

Click here to create your own Eternally Irish Memorial
